You should look for it next to the letter “O” in Ambarino. It appears in the north of the map, in the Grizzlies. The Emerald wolf starts appearing after you’ve reached level 5 in naturalist. It’s pitch black, and you can find it in the north of the map, in the Wapiti Indian Reservation, north of Fort Wallace. The legendary onyx wolf is the basic variant, which you can hunt right from the start. In order to get it, you’ll need to sell the pelt of a Moonstone wolf to Gus, then pay the $775. It’s one of those that has the animal’s head for a hat, and the description states it’s too warm for hot climates, but it can stop your from freezing in cold weather. The Moonstone Coat is a garment set you can buy from Gus. Try to get a height advantage – both for easier shots and staying away from their fangs. Once you have it, simply follow the trail until you find the wolf and its two companions. You’ll have a third mission slot by then, and the Moonstone wolf mission is one of the options that can appear there. The easiest way to get to the Legendary Moonstone Wolf is to bump up your naturalist level up to 12 and head over to Harriet. If you’re in the right spot and the animal isn’t showing up, you should try joining another session. Some legendary animals don’t spawn unless your naturalist rank is high enough, so keep doing those missions.

Your best bet for finding the legendary wolves is using the map and relying on missions from Harriet. ▼Article Continues Below▼ Where to find legendary wolf RDR2?