The files you need are ore1.dtm and Surpac.

When creating control strings, take care to ensure that the strings make sense. Data in an Observation File are required to be in the observation mode, viz: Point Name. Scroll in Surpac’s navigator until you find SSI_TUTORIALS and then set your work directory to the “introduction” folder. Do not use the same string numbers as the polygons you are modelling. This is one of the core programmes in SURPAC, as it the primary interface between the Surveyor’s field work and the calculation and/or draughting applications within the software. If you would like to test this process, the data (shown above) can be found in the introduction folder installed as part of Surpac. Click on the draw triangles as polylines to completeġ1. Click in the right hand viewport to make it active, then double click on the section number.ġ0. To adjust the colour or transparency of the window go to Customise > Default preferences > Graphics colours > Plane > Transparency.Ĩ. Click in the left viewport to make it active.ħ. Right click in the Graphics window, Viewport > Split vertically or horizontally.ĥ. (Located in SSI_TUTORIALS:Geological_database folder)Ĥ. Title: Jenis file surpac, Author: Ferry Man, Name: Jenis file surpac, Length: 6 pages, Page: 1.

For help regarding planes, refer to the Planes folder under Surpac concepts in the help window.įor advanced cross-sectional viewing, help is available on page 57 of the Geological Database tutorial. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Figure 1: Block model of oil sands coloured by attribute values (bitumen). Blocks may be of varying size defined by the user once the block model is created. Every block is defined by its geometric centroid and it’s dimensions in each axis. There is no size limit to the grid the amount of data used forgridding and the size of the grid itself is limited. If the plane group of sections has not been previously created, create them now.ģ. The properties or attributes may contain numeric or character string values.

Open the files in graphics along with the drillhole database.Ģ. recommend you attend the 1-day Surpac Geology Fundamentals course offered the day before this course. Fill the subsequent form as follows: Please note that yourpit is the name of the pit design you’ve save from step 1., and string 32 is the number of the outermost string in your pit design. values generate in Surpac can be used in a variety of other softwares. Enter Yes if there should be no bounds on the possible values for the string. From the Volumes menu choose Cut and fill between DTM’s. To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been. Function Name(s) : BLOCK MODEL OPEN From the Block modelling menu. Here are the steps to view the data in the viewing plane:ġ. Remember the string number because you’ll need it in the next step.